
Our technical experts are ready to answer your questions and address your magnetic needs. Whether it’s selecting a magnet to fit an application, choosing the most cost effective material or reviewing options from what is available in the market, we are here to help with:

• Application and Design Engineering Assistance
• Testing/Analysis of Magnetic Materials
• Magnetic Circuit Analysis/FEA
• Value Analysis/Value Engineering Support
• Inventory Management Programs

Demagnetization Curves

A second quadrant demagnetization curve provides information about the magnetic characteristics of a magnet, including the magnetic field strength and how resistant it is to demagnetize. How it is used in a magnetic circuit will affect its performance. When a permanent magnet is fully magnetized, its magnetic domains are aligned. Certain conditions such as temperature and reverse magnetic fields can cause some of the domains to lose this alignment and reverse, triggering the magnet to lose some or all of its magnetic field.  Click to view our demagnetization curves

alnico horseshoe magnet

Magnet Stabilization and Calibration

If you need to ensure magnetic stability over temperature range, or tight tolerances on flux output, we have a great whitepaper covering this topic.   It is intended for manufacturers that use permanent magnets and need magnets or assemblies that are magnetically stable over the expected temperature range of use or those manufacturers requiring magnets to perform within a very tight tolerance of flux output.  Read more.


Adams Stock Products Catalog 2018

We are delighted to share our 2018 catalog with you. We’ve added updated information about our fabrication capabilities, available in Elmhurst, IL and Carlsbad, CA. We’ve also added new neodymium holding assemblies, a MAGbond Magnetic Media System overview, and high energy wide-format magnetic sheet (40″ wide and still printable!). If you’d prefer to receive a hard copy of this catalog, let us know.

PDF icon Adams Catalog 2018.pdf

Adams Hard Magnet Materials Catalog updated 2020

(7MB) This PDF catalog features a magnet materials overview, chart of materials properties and demagnetization curves for Neodymium, Samarium Cobalt, Ceramic (Ferrite) and Alnico materials offered by Adams. New in 2020, we’ve added more curves, and a coatings chart to assist with corrosion protection decisions.

PDF icon Adams Catalog 6.20 w.pdf

Chart of Material Properties

Displays each permanent magnet material along with its Maximum Energy Product: Bhmax, Residual Flux Density: Br Gauss, Coercive Force: Hc Oersteds, Intrinsic Coercive Force: Hci Oersteds and Maximum Operating Temperature: C / F.

PDF icon Adams_Material_Properties

Breakaway Force of a Magnet

Explains the test methods used to determine how much force it takes to pull a magnet directly away from the surface it is attached to.

PDF icon Breakaway Force.pdf

Samarium Cobalt Product Specifications

Samarium Cobalt (or SmCo) magnets are strong permanent magnets made of an alloy of samarium and cobalt. They are known for their high magnetic strength, exceptional temperature resistance, and reliable performance without oxidation protection. As a result, they are more suitable for certain applications than Neodymium magnets.

PDF icon Adams Samarium Cobalt Magnets.pdf

Adams TabMAG® Neodymium with Adhesive Product Specifications

Adams offers TabMAG® Neodymium discs and rectangles with adhesive on one side. They are commonly used in packaging, box closure, display, and door latch applications. This PDF gives an overview of our most popular TabMAG® magnets.

PDF icon TabMAG by Adams Magnetic Products2017.pdf

Standard Specifications for Permanent Magnet Materials

Defines thermal and mechanical characteristics and properties of commercially available permanent magnet materials including Alnico, Ceramic, Rare Earth (Samarium cobalt and neodymium) and Iron-Chromium-Cobalt. Includes a Glossary of Terms and Magnetic Quantities (Symbols, Units and Conversion Factors).

PDF icon Adams_Material_Properties

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Adams is ready to be a part of your products with off-the-shelf and custom applications. Contact us to find out more.

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