
Flexible Matched Pole Strip

When used with A/B rolls, our flexible matched pole strips allow the direction of alignment to be mixed and matched without encountering repelling forces. We offer the following two options:

  • EdgeMAG™, a thin, flexible strip that provides side-to-side and front-to-back holding power
  • MatchMAG™, a matched pole strip designed for face-to-face applications

Matched Pole Strip



MatchMAG’s matched pole magnetization allows you to apply magnets face-to-face without worrying about aligning the poles. When used in A / B rolls, you can mix and match the direction of alignment without encountering repelling forces. MatchMAG™ is the perfect magnetic solution when steel is not part of your project design.

Item# Description
27B0011 .060" X 0.50" X 100FT with adhesive side A (magnet side has smooth surface)
27B0051 .060" X 0.50" X 100FT with adhesive side B (magnet side has ID groove)
27B0111 .060" X 1.00" X 100FT with adhesive side A (magnet side has smooth surface)
27B0112 .060" X 1.00" X 100FT with adhesive side B (magnet side has ID groove)

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