
At Adams, we offer advice and design assistance, plan requirements, and even remind you when your stock is running low. If you need custom magnetic assemblies in a hurry, just ask. We’re here to help. This section of the helpful tools contains explanations of breakaway force, and the effects of surface thickness and air gap on the strength of our assemblies. If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for, please contact us.

A magnetic assembly device provides high strength at low cost. They are ideal for a variety of applications, from secure latches to quick, interchangeable positioning of signs, displays, and fixtures.  

alnico horseshoe magnet

Why Choose Adams for Magnetic Assembly and Devices?

Adams Magnetic Products has been designing and manufacturing magnetic assemblies, tools and devices since 1950. We have had the exciting privilege to work with several outstanding companies developing magnetic devices. We support some very recognizable names in the manufacture of retail consumer products using magnets. Now we have assembly-manufacturing facilities in Illinois, California and China to support the high demand for this low cost, high strength, versatile product line. We keep hundreds of thousands of standard magnetic assembly devices in stock. We can also create custom assemblies in just about any shape or size. This document explains the test methods used to determine how much force it takes to pull a magnet directly away from the surface it is attached to.  Click to view our demagnetization curves

Breakaway Force of a Magnet

This document explains the test methods used to determine how much force it takes to pull a magnet directly away from the surface it is attached to.

Effect of Surface Thickness on Holding Strength

This chart explains the relationship between the thicknesses of the surface an assembly is attached to, and the amount of weight the assembly can hold. We used our popular item RB-80 (64H0004) in this example. If you need to know how surface thickness affects a different Adams assembly, please contact us and we’ll get you the answers you need.

Effect of an Air Gap on Holding Strength

This chart explains the effect of an air gap on the amount of weight an assembly can hold. We used our popular item RB-80 (64H0004) in this example. If you need to know air gap effects for a different Adams assembly, please contact us and we’ll get you the answers you need.



Adams Stock Products Catalog 2018

We are delighted to share our 2018 catalog with you. We’ve added updated information about our fabrication capabilities, available in Elmhurst, IL and Carlsbad, CA. We’ve also added new neodymium holding assemblies, a MAGbond Magnetic Media System overview, and high energy wide-format magnetic sheet (40″ wide and still printable!). If you’d prefer to receive a hard copy of this catalog, let us know.

PDF icon Adams Catalog 2018.pdf

Adams Pull Airgap

PDF icon Adams-pull-airgap-64H0004.pdf

Adams Surface Thickness

PDF icon Adams-surface-thickness-64H0004.pdf

Sandwich Assemblies

PDF icon adamssandwich.pdf

Round Base Assemblies

PDF icon adamsrb.pdf

Breakaway Force of a Magnet

Explains the test methods used to determine how much force it takes to pull a magnet directly away from the surface it is attached to.

PDF icon Breakaway Force.pdf

Contact Us

Adams is ready to be a part of your products with off-the-shelf and custom applications. Contact us to find out more.

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