Determining the specific impact of the coronavirus on the world’s supply chains continues to be a developing and fluid target. We are anticipating and planning for some delays in shipments from China and are working to better understand specific impacts.
Although the government-extended Lunar Holiday break officially ended on February 9th, many factories still have not opened or are at less than full capacity. New requirements that individual factories need approval from local authorities to re-open and that workers returning from outside provinces are subject to 14-day quarantines are contributing factors. As a result, we are not expecting many factories to be at full capacity until March.
As Adams supply partners begin the process of re-opening, we will be working closely with them to prioritize orders. We will work to communicate updated delivery information and will expedite orders accordingly to minimize adverse impacts. As always, Adams stocks an array of standard products that are available for immediate shipment.
If you have questions about open orders or lead times for products you purchase, please contact us.