Hello world! We’re excited to launch the first official blog for the magnet industry. We are engineers, salesmen, marketers, product managers, and executives from Adams Magnetic Products who offer different perspectives, but share the same passion for magnets and how they improve our world. We hope this blog provides you with a deeper insight into our work and who we are. We’re very excited to be out here talking to you!
At the end of each post, you can click on the author’s name to get bio and profile information. We’ll also have guest bloggers from the magnet industry and industries served by magnets to provide you with additional perspectives and insights.
Keep on the lookout for upcoming posts from our team members this week and beyond. If you’re interested, RSS and Atom feeds are available for all posts or specific categories. Let us know what you think by posting your comments below or by sending us e-mail at info@adamsmagnetic.com. And thanks for joining us in our newest venture.
Thanks so much for visiting our magnet blog. Enjoy!
– The Magnet Blog Team